@Baton Rouge

Restaurant Owners

Restaurant Owners

Here are 10 reasons to join the MajorMenus network today!
Increased Revenue
Research indicates that average tickets for online orders are 20-30% higher than traditional phone-in orders. It is no coincidence that some of the industry's largest franchises are jumping on the online ordering bandwagon.
Connect to Local Businesses
MajorMenus has established relationships with some of your city's largest businesses. These businesses include large state offices, insurance agencies, finance agencies, and car dealerships. We serve our businesses daily. Why not make your restaurant an option?
Reach New Customers
A new method of ordering means a larger customer base. MajorMenus offers something for everyone!
Increase Order Accuracy
No errors made by the busy restaurant staff struggling to take that phone order. All orders are delivered to your restaurant electronically - ERROR FREE.
Free Advertising
Simply appearing on the MajorMenus restaurant list allows your restaurant and menu to be viewed by thousands of customers.
No Setup or Monthly Hosting Fee
We charge no setup fees or hosting fees whatsoever. That's right, get online FOR FREE!
No Commitment, Cancel Anytime
Restaurants are free to cancel our service at anytime, but with no fees, why would you ever cancel!
24/7 Support
Our support staff is ready to answer any questions you may have.
Guaranteed Payments
No more no-shows! All orders are prepaid and processed through our secure online credit card processor. Even if the customer never shows up, you get paid!
  MajorMenus charges a small commission on each order processed on your behalf. Never get an order? You'll never owe us a dime. We are only compensated when we bring you business.